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New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day
Standard Business Hours & Rates:
Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am until 5:00 pm, Mountain Time.  The standard support rate is $90/hr. 
Remote Support:
For any issues that do not require an on-site visit, labor will be billed in 15 min increments at the appropriate rate (Standard, or Planned After-Hours).
On-site Support:
For issues that require an on-site visit, labor will be billed initially for a minimum of 1 hr and then subsequently in 15-minute increments at the appropriate rate.  Time spent traveling to and from the client site will be charged at ½ the appropriate rate.
Planned After-Hours:
Agreed upon after-hour labor will be charged at 1.5 times the standard rate in 1 hour increments with a minimum of 1 hour, regardless of if any on-site work is required. 
Emergency After-Hours:
Emergency After-hour labor will be charged at 2 times the standard rate in 1 hour increments with a minimum of 2 hours, regardless of if any on-site work is required.    
D3 Technical does not provide any warranty for any 3rd party hardware or services.  Due to the nature of the work that we perform, there is no warranty on hourly work. Each hour that we work is billable regardless of the outcome of said work.  
Any 3rd party purchases must be paid in full in advance of any equipment or services being ordered.  Additionally, credit card payments will be assessed a 3.01% processing fee. 
D3 Technical Services will bill Client for Services as rendered.  Payment is due upon receipt and considered late if payment is not received within 30 days.  Late payments will be subject to late payment penalties and provided services will be subject to suspension or termination. 
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